Это уникальное пособие для учителей в сфере еврейского образования. В пособии использованы методические материалы и разработки замечательных педагогов из Гомеля, Гродно, Черкассы.
The book "Jewish Festivals Created by Your Own Hands” by Irina Belskaia, Jewish educator of the RUPJ in Belarus was published. This is a unique educational material where one can find the recommendations on "Running an Art Session: a guide for the inexperienced”, the advice how art and religion are connected and how the art education can be used to connect with Jewish religious education by D-r Helena Miller (UK) as well as many examples using numerous techniques that demonstrate how Jewish holidays can be taught and developed through the medium of arts and crafts.
This book includes methodology, materials and practices developed and used by number of experienced educators who teach in a different Jewish educational programs in the cities of Gomel, Grodno and Cherkassy.
It was created for arts an
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